It's Your Next Hire Hiding in Plain Sight? HR's Guide to Internal Recruiting

Its Your Next Hire Hiding in Plain Sight? HR's Guide to Internal Recruiting

If every unemployed person in the country found a job, we would still have 4 million open jobs (U.S. Chamber of Commerce). Where can growing businesses find workers? 75% of recruiters say internal recruiting will play a major role in talent acquisition in the next 5 years (LinkedIn). Internal recruiting drives retention and saves time and money. But it can also lead to stagnation and jealousy. To succeed, HR leaders should:

  • Proactively engage employees by promoting internal opportunities, building career paths, and holding frequent one-on-ones between managers and direct reports.
  • Plan for talent needs using competency frameworks, online assessments of hard and soft skills, ongoing analysis of market and industry trends, and a focus on building internal talent pipelines.
  • Combat talent hoarding by fostering a performancedriven culture with 9-box talent reviews and interdepartmental collaboration


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