Digital Transformation For The Supply Chain

Digital Transformation For The Supply Chain

Digital transformation roadmaps all too often overlook supply chain challenges and opportunities. But today, as organizations pursue digital transformation initiatives, disruptive events— whether a pandemic or another unforeseen crisis— can push supply chain issues front and center

In fact, a growing number of boards, CEOs, CFOs and chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) are now demanding new strategies to accelerate supply chain innovation and agility— with success measured within weeks, not months or years.

Meanwhile, in addition to a renewed focus on supply chain, the pandemic is also driving digital transformation itself. The workforce is learning how to telecommute and collaborate virtually across a variety of industries. Customers are embracing contactless engagement and demanding more in terms of digital interaction—from virtual showrooms and catalogs to online transaction initiation, design and customization, inventory availability, order status and tracking and more.


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