Complimentary 1LoD Report: Detecting Market Abuse & Conduct Risk Across Modern Communication Channels

Complimentary 1LoD Report: Detecting Market Abuse & Conduct Risk Across Modern Communication Channels

In a recent span of 10 months, 12 major financial services firms were fined $2 billion for record-keeping and supervisor lapses, related to their regulated employees use of new communication channels, like Microsoft Teams, Bloomberg, WhatsApp and more.

At the same time, risk can hide anywhere – in any trade or communication. To shine a light on misconduct and market abuse, firms must capture and monitor all regulated employee communications, behavioral and trade-related data.

Download your copy of the report to learn how surveillance needs are evolving, and how holistic technology can help your firm understand what regulated employees said, heard, and did, so you can uncover hidden risks and stay in compliance.


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