Delivering On The Pomise of Digital Government: Digital Engagement

Delivering On The Pomise of Digital Government: Digital Engagement

As state and local organizations look to the future, they are continuing to push forward with digital transformation efforts that will touch every aspect of government, and how it delivers critical services to constituents. They are evolving the constituent experience with government, making it faster, more efficient and more effective to engage with the public sector.

To help government IT leaders understand the power and the potential – and the pitfalls – of enabling anytime, anywhere services, Government Technology and Genesys have partnered together to discuss the critical aspects of successful digital government.

Join our panel of experts for the digital engagement with government agencies session to examine how agencies can drive engagement through better communication.

As a participant, you’ll learn:

  • What constituents expect from digital government experiences, and best practices for driving improvements
  • How to understand and deploy all appropriate digital channels to deliver empathetic engagement with citizens at scale
  • What capabilities to look for in a customer experience management solution


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