Change management: Building a Case for Cloud-Based ERP

Change management: Building a Case for Cloud-Based ERP

Whether you’re considering a transition to a new ERP system, moving from one ERP system to another, upgrading your current ERP system or migrating it to the cloud, the right talent and technology can make a world of difference on your journey.

Yet it’s no small feat to hit the ground running with a successful system and a strategy to leverage operational data. It requires careful planning, resource and budget allocation and infrastructure utilization audits, all handled by assigning explicit ownership of information and processes.

A recent Deloitte report cites 10 common barriers to ERP implementation, and the top five all relate to change management:

  1. Resistance to change
  2. Inadequate sponsorship
  3. Unrealistic expectations
  4. Poor project management
  5. Lack of a compelling case for change

CIOs everywhere have flagged these challenges as requiring leadership buy-in and methodical planning.


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